Sutton Family Information
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Samuel Franklin "Frank" Sutton Family | Samuel Anderson Sutton Family |
Joseph "Seth" Eatman Family |
Archibald "Archie" Anderson Hunsucker Family |
Sutton Reunions | Eatman Reunions |
Rockett Photos |
Labon Samuel Eatmon Family |
Family Documents
Name |
eMail Address |
Telephone # |
Angela Sutton Giessner |
972.263.5774 |
Betty Fortenberry | | |
Craig A. Sutton |
214.368.0160 |
Daniel Farrar Mosley | | |
David John Sutton |
Greg Giessner |
972.266.0779 |
Hunter Dell |
Janyth Giessner Evans |
817.361.6877 |
Jerry Thompson | | |
Ken Thompson |
972.333.5940 |
Larry Sutton | |
817.640.1366 |
Linda Brown Sutton |
817.640.1366 |
Marshall Sutton |
214.908-8659 | |
Montgomery Sutton | | 214.263.7015 |
Nancy Sutton Means |
281.463.9376 |
Dr. Olin G. Johnson |
281.367.6866 |
Paula S. Sutton |
918.263.2400 |
Philip A. Sutton |
972.897.4086 |
Ken Sutton |
Robert E. Sutton |
918.263.2400 |
Ryan Means |
Samuel J. Sutton | | 817.640.1366 |
Susan Beatrice Sutton (Jacobs) Collins |
918.253.8052 |
Tracy Sutton Cotten | | 903.534.8553 |
Van Sutton |
Virginia Sutton Dell |
972.264.4517 | |
Wanda Hazard Sutton |
817.292.2793 |