Texas Cemetery Restoration remapped the Bell's Chapel Cemetery in 2018, superseding all plats and maps that may have previously existed.
Updating our database is a work in progress, so the following information may change as we update it.
The current status is described at these links. If you believe you own a plot, you should be listed in these pages:
Click here to understand Plot Claim Challenges
Click here for file with monument photos
Click here for a Burial Plot Sales Form
Click here for an Interment Authorization Form
Click here for Cemetery Rules and Regulations
Rows are marked with a 4.5" stainless steel disk with the row number on it (such as B15), often needing to be located with a metal detector. It is the responsibility of the plot owner (who usually depends upon their funeral home) to ensure that grave is accurately located and the grave preparation does not disturb a Row Marker. Interments must be approved in advance. The plot numbering system is new and supersedes the older historical system. The Sectional Map is recorded in the Ellis County Deed Records, and the burial layout diagram is below.